SECCONではCOVID-19の状況変化を注視しています。今後、感染状況の変化や、国や地方自治体などが定める方針が変化した場合に適宜変更を行う予定です。もしポリシーが変更された場合はTwitter SECCON公式アカウント @secconctf にて告知します。
・COVID-19に関する水際対策 -
1. 不織布マスクの着用
2. 出入り口に設置するアルコール消毒のこまめな利用
3. 定期的な手洗い
4. 会話時における適切な距離の確保また、会場では下記の対策を行っています。
1. 可能な範囲による定期的なテーブル等のアルコール消毒
2. 自動検温器を入口に設置 -
1. 会場内では不織布のマスクを着用してください
2. COVID-19のワクチン接種を推奨します(来場時に接種証明書を提示する必要はありません)
3. 飲食時には大きな声で話さず、会話時にはマスクの着用をお願いします。
4. 下記の時は参加を控えてください
a. 2週間以内にCOVID-19に感染した場合
b. 家族や友だちなど1週間以内に感染した人と接触した場合
c. 発熱時など自身の健康に問題がある場合
5. 会場内では適切な距離を保つように努力をお願いします -
At SECCON, with reference to the COVID-19 guidelines established by the Health, Labor and Welfare Ministry in Japan and local governments including Tokyo, where the event takes place, we ask everyone involved in SECCON, such as organizers, sponsors, players, and participants, to comply with the policy below.
In general, pay special attention to the following points.
- It is mandatory to wear a non-woven mask
- Recommend vaccination. However, it is not necessary to present a vaccination certificate at the reception desk.SECCON is closely monitoring the evolving COVID-19 situation. We are planning to make appropriate modifications to the policy if the infection situation changes or the policies set by the national or local governments change. If the policy is modified, it will be announced on Twitter SECCON official account @secconctf.
Participants from overseas
SECCON welcomes participants from overseas. Restrictions on entry are currently being eased, but the situation may change. Participants are responsible for checking the latest information.
- Documents required for entry
- Border measures for COVID-19
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Measures at the venue of the event
When visiting, we ask everyone involved with SECCON to take the following measures.
1. Wearing a non-woven mask
2. Frequent use of alcohol disinfectant at the entrance
3. Regular hand washing
4. Securing an appropriate distance during conversationIn addition, the following measures are being taken at the venue of the event.
1. Periodic alcohol disinfection of tables, etc. to the extent possible
2. Placing an automatic thermometer at the entrance -
Requests to visitors
1. Please wear a non-woven mask inside the venue of the event
2. COVID-19 vaccination is recommended (you do not need to show a vaccination certificate upon arrival)
3. Please do not speak loudly when eating or drinking and wear a mask when talking.
4. Please refrain from participating in the following situations
a. If you have been infected with COVID-19 within the last 2 weeks
b. If you've been exposed to someone with COVID-19 within a week, such as a family member or friend
c. If you have a problem with your own health, such as a fever
5. Please try to keep an appropriate distance in the venue of the event. -
If an infected person is found
If you get infected
If you become infected with COVID-19 within two weeks after the end of the event, please contact as soon as possible. Also, if possible, please let us know your activities on the day as much as you can.
At SECCON, we will only share information about positive people among the participants, and will not share other information unless requested by the government, local government, public health center, etc.Notification of when an infected person is found
If there is a participant infected with COVID-19 within two weeks after the end of the event, we will notify you on Twitter SECCON official account @secconctf.
If you violated our policy
If you do not follow the policy, the management team may ask you for corrections. If, despite repeated warnings, you fail to make corrections and is malicious, the management team may ask you to leave the venue.
Also, in order to prevent trouble among visitors, if there is a participant you are concerned about, please ask a nearby staff member.